Friday, February 10, 2006

Kind Don't Know Jack Not Good Enough

In the "can you believe it?" category comes another story of Congressman Ron Kind (D-La Crosse) blowing up at someone who asked him a serious question! The La Crosse Tribune reported on Tuesday that "one young man, probably a student, asked Kind why he had put a link to Women's History Month on his Web site, but had not put anything on there about Black History month. Kind responded, 'Maybe because I'm a racist, is that what you're implying?'"

As usual Kind does a quick flip-flop as the articles closes by saying: "Kind was asked what he has learned during the past year. 'No matter how uncomfortable it is, we need to question our elected leaders,' he said, adding he was impressed with the questions students asked that day."

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? He attacks a poor student for asking him a question then later says we NEED to ask questions of our leaders and that he was impressed with the questions. If he was so darn impressed why didn't he simply answer the question? Or just say, you know that's a good idea?

This isn't the first time we heard of Kind getting testy with questions! I believe it was last year when Kind was on a call in radio program in La Crosse and someone asking him where he stayed when he was in Iraq. Kind said he was housed in another country. The caller questioned why and kind attacked him, on air, saying that was a "stupid question!" I heard him say those words!!

I was also told of similar blow-ups at the Trempealeau County Fair and at an open forum in Hudson. Whether Ron Kind #1 likes it or not, I agree with Ron Kind #2 who told the Tribune "we need to question our elected leaders." And the three-part question I want to hear him answer is:

"The non-partisan Center for Responsible Politics has reduced the amount of suspect contributions linked from convicted felon lobbyist Jack Abramoff to your campaign from $9,000 to only $2,000. Mr. Congressman, why didn't you say anything explaining your involvement BEFORE the story hit the papers, why won't you answer your opponent Paul R. Nelson's call for you "to be forthcoming on Special Interest Contributions", and if your FEC reports are correct that you accepted more than 50 contributions totaling tens of thousands of dollars from Indian Tribes almost all of them from outside of Wisconsin, what did they want in return? And let me say before you answer this, that your standard response of 'I don't know Jack' isn't good enough!"

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Funeral Dignity Protection Act Sent to Governor

I don't know if you heard or not about the Kansas group that was importing people in to protest at military funerals. But thanks to Senator Ron Brown of Eau Claire and the bi-partisan support of the legislature, Brown's bill, SB-525, restricting such demonstrations is now on Doyle's desk! Good work Ron!

See also: