Saturday, July 29, 2006

Can Kind explain his vote against tracking terrorists?

Last month, Congress passed H.Res.895, a resolution "supporting intelligence and law enforcement programs to track terrorists and terrorist finances conducted consistent with Federal law and with appropriate Congressional consultation and specifically condemning the disclosure and publication of classified information that impairs the international fight against terrorism and needlessly exposes Americans to the threat of further terror attacks by revealing a crucial method by which terrorists are traced through their finances." The measure passed on a vote of 227-183 (Roll no. 357).

To me this seems a common-sense resolution that no Congressman should EVER vote against. If you are not a pure partisan, what is there in this to vote against? Let's see... "supporting intelligence and law enforcement programs to track terrorists and terrorist finances", no problem here, I want to support reasonable investigations of terrorists... "conducted consistent with Federal law and with appropriate Congressional consultation", oh yes, we want to make sure it is legal and what Congressman worth our vote wouldn't want Congress to be consulted?... "specifically condemning the disclosure and publication of classified information", unless you are an editor of the New York Times this is a no-brainer also, we have too much classified information "leaked" to the media. Nope, nothing objectionable that I can see. A reasonable, common-sense resolution.

So, can anyone tell me why Congressman Ron Kind would vote NO? That is other than because as Deputy Minority House Whip for Nancy Pelosi it is his job to line up votes against the Republicans. Unbelievable! And not a word from the experienced spin doctors in his office explaining it!!

And have you heard word one from any media outlet in the 19-county 3rd Congressional District taking Kind to task for his vote or demanding he explain himself? That is even more unbelievable to me!!!