Thursday, January 26, 2006

Kind Took More Money from Indian Gaming Interests

I don't know how many of you saw the press release last week from Paul R. Nelson, the St. Croix County realitor running for Congress against Ron Kind, but this was eye-opeining to me. I initially mentioned the reports linking Kind to Abramoff donations. On 1/12 the Center for Responsive Politics revised their report and now say that of the $9,000 Kind took from these 2 Indian Tribes only $2,000 was connected to Abramoff.

But now Nelson lists 10 campaign contributions Kind took and says it is an incomplete list. His press release says there are more than 50 listed on Kind's FEC reports! RON KIND NEEDS TO EXPLAIN HIS APPETITE FOR CAMPAIGN CASH not just call for ethics reform!

See also:

January 17, 2006: Paul R. Nelson Asks Ron Kind to Be Forthcoming on Special Interest Contributions

January 7, 2006: Congressman Kind linked in Abramoff Scandal

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Pierce Co Dems Threaten Payback?

Can you believe this? The Pierce County Dems, as we already passed along, get caught using UW-River Falls computer resources illegally. UW-RF says it was an honest mistake (although needed to question why one listserv was named for the Pierce Dems) and is correcting the mistake. Ok. But what do the Dems have to say. I was expecting a sorry, we didn't realize. BUT, NO! They are angry and threaten payback! Did they really think doing something illegal is okay? Unbelieveable!

See also:
January 18, 2006: UW-RF claims 'honest mistake' while Dems threaten payback

Monday, January 16, 2006

Pierce County Dems Caught

I read in the River Falls newspaper that the Pierce County Dems got caught using UW-River Falls computer resources for political purposes. You'd think they would know better!

See also:

January 11, 2006: Local Democrats, UW-RF named in elections complaint

January 9, 2006: State GOP files Elections Board complaint against Pierce County Democratic Party

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Congressman Maytag

Have you heard the latest from Ron Kind? We should start calling this guy Congressman Maytag because of his super, duper, political spin cycle. Why did Indian tribes who were clients of Abramoff give Kind donations? They aren't from Western Wisconsin. What were they expecting in return? Could it have anything to do with his position on the House Resource Committee?

Click here to listen to WIZM radio story 1 and story 2.

-Chris Muller, Onalaska

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Kudos to Senator Ron Brown

As a former Police Chief and former Chair of the Board of Directors for our local Sexual Assault and Domestic Abuse Agency, I have long been in favor of updating the mandatory arrest law as there are a number of unintended consequences with how the law was initially written. I, myself, tried several years ago to get legislators to make some changes, but ran into a brick wall even mentioning that I thought some things needed to be tweaked.

Sen. Ron Brown and several others worked in a bi-partisan fashion on AB-436 which was passed and signed into law! Ron, I am sure that victims and law enforcement all over the state must be thanking you for again putting partisanship aside and working with all concerned on this important new law.

See also: Protections strengthened for domestic abuse victims

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Congressman Kind linked in Abramoff Scandal

Well let's start off with the big news of the day. WKBT-TV 8 in La Crosse reported the other day that the name of Congressman Ron Kind (D-La Crosse) was linked to the convicted felon Jack Abramoff corruption scandal. I'll bet most of you have not heard that story yet. I have not seen it in any state newspaper except the Milwaukee paper.

The Center for Responsive Politics listed Kind as accepting at least $9,000 from tribes represented by Abramoff. I have been questioning Kind's appetite for raising campaign cash for years. According to FEC reports he takes in nearly 50% of his cash through special interest money every year. In the 2004 election that amounted to $473,875.00!

I've watched eagerly to see what Kind would do or say about questionable funds showing up in his campaign pockets. Some elected officials named have given the money back. Others gave that amount to charity. Guess what Ron Kind did? A spokesperson for Kind tells WKBT the "finding is misleading" because "Kind has never met or spoken to Abramoff." Yea right, and I bet Nixon never spoke directly to the Watergate burglars either! What did they call it back then... plausible deniability! The public didn't buy it then either!!

She also is quoted as saying Kind got the money "well before Abramoff represented them as a lobbyist." Okay, but looking at the report from the Center for Responsible Politics I see two contributions in the 2000 campaign, one in 2002, one in 2004, and one for the 2006 campaign season. So exactly how does this work that all the donations are spread out evenly over 4 elections and somehow they were "well before" Abramoff??? I don't see it.

But even if she is right, and I am not saying he is definitely involved in THIS scandal, the question is what did Kind know or should have known? Why didn't he say anything until the media asks him about it? What is he going to do, keep the money? What are these tribes from outside of Wisconsin doing contributing to a candidate in our congressional district? What do they expect in return for their cash? Congressman Kind is a member of the House Committee on Resources. That committee drafts legislation affecting gaming and other Native American issues. They were clearly attempting to buy influence!

Ron Kind has a lot of questions to answer to the voters in his district. I hope the press forces him to address these questions this time. But with their reaction thus far, I'm not holding my breath! It made me sick back in May 2004 when the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and WIZM radio in La Crosse were questioning Kind, his family and aids receiving over $15,000 in luxury trips from private interests in 2003, and the press let him get away with a "trust me" answer. It's time for the public to demand answers!

See also:

January 5, 2006: Jack Abramoff Lobbying and Political Contributions, 1999 - 2006

January 4, 2006: Any connections to Capitol Corruption Case?

May 17, 2004: 3rd District GOP Questions Extravagant Trips and Contributions Accepted by Kind

Friday, January 06, 2006


Welcome to the Western Wisconsin Politics Blog! I will use this blog to address issues I feel are important to voters in Western Wisconsin. I trust you will find the discussions lively and useful.
